Infant early-childhood center as education and care center for preschool age children

Early childhood forms the basis on which social society is built. Centres for infant-early childhood care are prerequisite for suitable care and health education for infant and small children by which resulted several practical reasons such as increase in numbers of working mothers, higher cost of living, change of women’s role in todays society, several other changes in the family itself etc. Early childhood care centres’ role is social psychological and paedagogical. The interventions taken are related to health, the promotion of health, education, socialization and support of the child and family. The multidisciplinary group that work in those centres include infant and early childhood teachers, midwifes, nurses, paediatricians, psychologists, social workers and entertainment specialist. The responsibilities of those working in the center include general education and health education, care, prevention, communication with families and communities, assuring healthy psychosocial development of infant and young children. Research is also an important element of their work. The multidisciplinary team is lately enriched with the presence of the nurse who is responsible to assure safe and healthy environment for infant and early childhood children, their families and the personnel of the centres. He is also involved in health education and promotion of healthy lifestyle.

Category: Volume 45, N 3
Hits: 449 Hits
Created Date: 15-09-2006
Authors: Panagiota Βellou-Milona , Trifeni Sidiropoulou