Social readjustment Social skills training of chronic psychotic patients

The present study aims at indicating the parameters that concern the social skills training of chronic psychotic patients, through a sum of scientific information that was gathered from the rich existing bibliography. Social skills training is a part of the social readjustment programs, a move has been developed by the field of mental health, mainly in the USA and EU. It is about a total of methods of social readjustment, which, through a direct and active training, aim at a reprieve in the possibility of a patient becoming a chronic one. What is more, it tries to accomplish a decrease or an elimination of institutionalism manifestations and a promotion of the ability of an autonomous life. It is a process that simulates the nursing process and its various phases (psychiatric nursing care plan). Therefore, there is an extensive reference in the evaluation of the problems of the chronic psychotic patients and in the objectives of the evaluation. Particular importance is placed on the methods of evaluation (interview, natural environment observation, self-observation measurements, evaluation through the use of role playing) and the methods of training (guidance, modeling, role playing, support). The planning of the programs includes group and individual training, the sort of programs (individualized-standard), the contents of the training, its duration, the number and the frequency of the sessions. The study concludes with the preparation and the management of the training procedure.

Category: Volume 46, N 3
Hits: 472 Hits
Created Date: 15-09-2007
Authors: Konstantinos Koukourikos , Eleni Tsorbatzoudi , Anneta Tzogani