Parents’ Role in Managing Pediatric Pain

Background: Pain is the most frequent unpleasant feeling children and teenagers experience and the most common cause for seeking hospital care. Aim: To review parents’ role in managing pediatric pain, as well as the methods used to relief it. Method: Literature review of studies published during the years 2001 - 2011 in the electronic databases Pubmed and Cochrane, using the key – words: “Pediatric Pain”, “Relief”, “Management”, “Children”, “Parents”, “Role”. Among the retrieved articles, 630 articles appeared to be relevant to the topic, but only 21 of them were fully informed. Results: According to the electronic review, parents’ reactions to pediatric pain influence the way children manage it. Eight studies conclude that parents’ increased stress levels influence the way children react by increasing their somatic symptoms. In addition, 9 studies refer to the use of non – pharmacological methods by parents. Technics such as distraction, relaxation, but also just holding hands with the child can reduce the pain experienced by children. Finally, 4 studies refer to the role nurses adopt as parents’ trainers in order to help them manage pediatric pain. The studies cite that the information parents receive is limited and that they wish they participated more to their child’s care. Conclusions: According to the review, the successful management of pediatric pain demands cooperation between nurses and parents, since nurses evaluate the pediatric pain and teach parents to use non – pharmacological methods to relief it.

Category: Volume 52, N 2
Hits: 827 Hits
Created Date: 15-06-2013
Authors: Andriani Stamoulara , Kalliope Papadopoulou , Aggeliki Meleti , Vassiliki Matziou